@ -56,16 +56,11 @@ For numeric casts, there are quite a few cases to consider:
value cannot be represented by the target integer type][float-int]**.
This includes Inf and NaN. This is a bug and will be fixed.
* casting from an integer to float will produce the floating point
representation of the integer, rounded if necessary (rounding strategy
representation of the integer, rounded if necessary (rounding to
nearest, ties to even)
* casting from an f32 to an f64 is perfect and lossless
* casting from an f64 to an f32 will produce the closest possible value
(rounding strategy unspecified)
* **[NOTE: currently this will cause Undefined Behavior if the value
is finite but larger or smaller than the largest or smallest finite
value representable by f32][float-float]**. This is a bug and will
be fixed.
(rounding to nearest, ties to even)
[float-int]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/10184
[float-float]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/15536