@ -13,9 +13,11 @@ received some bugfixes since then.)
Trying to fully explain the model in this book is fairly hopeless. It's defined
in terms of madness-inducing causality graphs that require a full book to
properly understand in a practical way. If you want all the nitty-gritty
details, you should check out the [C++ specification][C++-model].
Still, we'll try to cover the basics and some of the problems Rust developers
details, you should check out the [C++ specification][C++-model] —
note that Rust atomics correspond to C++’s `atomic_ref`, since Rust allows
accessing atomics via non-atomic operations when it is safe to do so.
In this section we aim to give an informal overview of the topic to cover the
common problems that Rust developers face.
## Motivation