## struct中的一个字段是另外一个字段的指针
struct Test {
    a: String,
    b: *const String,

impl Test {
    fn new(txt: &str) -> Self {
        Test {
            a: String::from(txt),
            b: std::ptr::null(),

    fn init(&mut self) {
        let self_ref: *const String = &self.a;
        self.b = self_ref;

    fn a(&self) -> &str {

    fn b(&self) -> &String {
        assert!(!self.b.is_null(), "Test::b called without Test::init being called first");
        unsafe { &*(self.b) }

Test provides methods to get a reference to the value of the fields a and b. Since b is a reference to a we store it as a pointer since the borrowing rules of Rust doesn't allow us to define this lifetime. We now have what we call a self-referential struct.