From 5f0442a630cd2a34369caae0b54046055032fe8b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: KaiserY Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2022 17:08:39 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] wip add pdf output --- .github/workflows/main.yml | 28 +++++ book.toml | 6 +- custom-template.tex | 216 ------------------------------------- 3 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 217 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 custom-template.tex diff --git a/.github/workflows/main.yml b/.github/workflows/main.yml index d82f500..454420b 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/main.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/main.yml @@ -27,6 +27,34 @@ jobs: mkdir bin curl -sSL | tar -xz --directory=bin echo "$(pwd)/bin" >> ${GITHUB_PATH} + - name: Install mdbook-latex-pdf + run: | + mkdir bin + curl -sL -o bin/mdbook-latex-pdf + chmod +x bin/mdbook-latex-pdf + echo "$(pwd)/bin" >> ${GITHUB_PATH} + pip install Pygments + - name: Install font + run: | + mkdir fonts + mkdir -p ~/.local/share/fonts + curl -sL -o + unzip -d fonts/Noto_Sans + curl -sL -o + unzip -d fonts/Noto_Sans_SC + curl -sL -o + unzip -d fonts/Noto_Sans_Mono + curl -sL -o + unzip -d fonts/Noto_Sans_KR + curl -sL -o + unzip -d fonts/Noto_Sans_Thai + curl -sL -o + unzip -d fonts/Noto_Sans_Arabic + curl -sL -o + unzip -d fonts/Noto_Sans_Hebrew + curl -sL -o + unzip -d fonts/Noto_Sans_Devanagari + fc-cache -rv - name: Report versions run: | rustup --version diff --git a/book.toml b/book.toml index a386fc4..6c484e5 100644 --- a/book.toml +++ b/book.toml @@ -1,8 +1,12 @@ [book] title = "Rust 程序设计语言 简体中文版" -author = "Steve Klabnik 和 Carol Nichols,以及来自 Rust 社区的贡献(Rust 中文社区翻译)" +authors = ["Steve Klabnik 和 Carol Nichols,以及来自 Rust 社区的贡献(Rust 中文社区翻译)"] description = "Rust 程序设计语言 简体中文版" [output.html] additional-css = ["ferris.css", "theme/2018-edition.css"] additional-js = ["ferris.js"] + +[output.latex-pdf] +latex = false +pdf = true diff --git a/custom-template.tex b/custom-template.tex deleted file mode 100644 index 210b168..0000000 --- a/custom-template.tex +++ /dev/null @@ -1,216 +0,0 @@ -%% Packages and Settings -\UseRawInputEncoding -\documentclass{article} -\usepackage[english]{babel} -\usepackage{adjustbox} -\usepackage{colortbl} -\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} -\usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry} -\usepackage{graphicx} - -\usepackage{fontspec} -\setmainfont[Script=Devanagari]{Courier New} -\setsansfont{DejaVu Sans} -\setmonofont{DejaVu Sans Mono} - -\usepackage{xeCJK} -\setCJKmainfont[BoldFont=SimHei,ItalicFont=KaiTi]{微软雅黑} -\xeCJKsetup{PunctStyle=kaiming,CJKspace=true,CheckSingle=true} - -% -\usepackage{titlesec} -\usepackage{hyperref} -\newcommand{\sectionbreak}{\clearpage} - -\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} -\usepackage{listings} -\usepackage{longtable} -\usepackage{tabularx} -\usepackage{tabu} -\usepackage{textcomp} -\usepackage{xcolor} -\usepackage{array} - -\newcommand{\PreserveBackslash}[1]{\let\temp=\\#1\let\\=\temp} -\newcolumntype{C}[1]{>{\PreserveBackslash\centering}m{#1}} -\newcolumntype{R}[1]{>{\PreserveBackslash\raggedleft}p{#1}} -\newcolumntype{L}[1]{>{\PreserveBackslash\raggedright}p{#1}} - -% -\usepackage{booktabs,multirow,tabularx}%{booktabs,multirow,tabularx} -\newcommand{\makecell}[1]{\begin{tabular}{c}#1\end{tabular}} - -% -\hypersetup{ - colorlinks, - linkcolor={red!50!black}, - citecolor={blue!50!black}, - urlcolor={blue!80!black} -} - -%% Unicode rules. -% -\usepackage{newunicodechar} -\newunicodechar{└}{{\smash{\raisebox{0.5ex}{\rule{0.5pt}{\dimexpr\baselineskip-1.5ex}}}\raisebox{0.5ex}{\rule{1ex}{0.5pt}}}} -\newunicodechar{─}{{\raisebox{0.5ex}{\rule{1.5ex}{0.5pt}}}} -\newunicodechar{├}{{\smash{\raisebox{-1ex}{\rule{0.5pt}{\baselineskip}}}\raisebox{0.5ex}{\rule{1ex}{0.5pt}}}} -\newunicodechar{’}{{'}} -\newunicodechar{“}{{"}} -\newunicodechar{”}{{"}} - -%% Code highlighting. -\definecolor{commentsColor}{rgb}{0.497495, 0.497587, 0.497464} -\definecolor{keywordsColor}{rgb}{0.000000, 0.000000, 0.635294} -\definecolor{stringColor}{rgb}{0.558215, 0.000000, 0.135316} -\lstset{ % - backgroundcolor=\color{white}, % choose the background color; 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