/** * Build and upload assets * for macOS(aarch) */ import fs from "fs-extra"; import path from "path"; import { exit } from "process"; import { execSync } from "child_process"; import { createRequire } from "module"; import { getOctokit, context } from "@actions/github"; // to `meta` tag const META = process.argv.includes("--meta"); // to `alpha` tag const ALPHA = process.argv.includes("--alpha"); const require = createRequire(import.meta.url); async function resolve() { if (!process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN) { throw new Error("GITHUB_TOKEN is required"); } if (!process.env.GITHUB_REPOSITORY) { throw new Error("GITHUB_REPOSITORY is required"); } if (!process.env.TAURI_PRIVATE_KEY) { throw new Error("TAURI_PRIVATE_KEY is required"); } if (!process.env.TAURI_KEY_PASSWORD) { throw new Error("TAURI_KEY_PASSWORD is required"); } const { version } = require("../package.json"); const tag = META ? "meta" : ALPHA ? "alpha" : `v${version}`; const buildCmd = META ? `yarn build -f default-meta` : `yarn build`; console.log(`[INFO]: Upload to tag "${tag}"`); console.log(`[INFO]: Building app. "${buildCmd}"`); execSync(buildCmd); const cwd = process.cwd(); const bundlePath = path.join(cwd, "src-tauri/target/release/bundle"); const join = (p) => path.join(bundlePath, p); const appPathList = [ join("macos/Clash Verge.aarch64.app.tar.gz"), join("macos/Clash Verge.aarch64.app.tar.gz.sig"), ]; for (const appPath of appPathList) { if (fs.pathExistsSync(appPath)) { fs.removeSync(appPath); } } fs.copyFileSync(join("macos/Clash Verge.app.tar.gz"), appPathList[0]); fs.copyFileSync(join("macos/Clash Verge.app.tar.gz.sig"), appPathList[1]); const options = { owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo }; const github = getOctokit(process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN); const { data: release } = await github.rest.repos.getReleaseByTag({ ...options, tag, }); if (!release.id) throw new Error("failed to find the release"); await uploadAssets(release.id, [ join(`dmg/Clash Verge_${version}_aarch64.dmg`), ...appPathList, ]); } // From tauri-apps/tauri-action // https://github.com/tauri-apps/tauri-action/blob/dev/packages/action/src/upload-release-assets.ts async function uploadAssets(releaseId, assets) { const github = getOctokit(process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN); // Determine content-length for header to upload asset const contentLength = (filePath) => fs.statSync(filePath).size; for (const assetPath of assets) { const headers = { "content-type": "application/zip", "content-length": contentLength(assetPath), }; const ext = path.extname(assetPath); const filename = path.basename(assetPath).replace(ext, ""); const assetName = path.dirname(assetPath).includes(`target${path.sep}debug`) ? `${filename}-debug${ext}` : `${filename}${ext}`; console.log(`[INFO]: Uploading ${assetName}...`); try { await github.rest.repos.uploadReleaseAsset({ headers, name: assetName, data: fs.readFileSync(assetPath), owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, release_id: releaseId, }); } catch (error) { console.log(error.message); } } } if (process.platform === "darwin" && process.arch === "arm64") { resolve(); } else { console.error("invalid"); exit(1); }