Simple Arc implementation (without Weak refs)

This is a squash of the following commits:
- Fix code, remove WIP message as that was while writing this, and link to stable @ fixed 1.49 rather than latest nightly
- Improve wording on deref and ignore some code blocks
- Improve wording and formatting a bit cause I'm insane
- Fix links
- Fix links again because we all love relative links
- Remove unnecessary Drop import
- Use Box::from_raw instead of ptr::drop_in_place as that actually dealloc's the Box (i'm dumb and misinterpreted the std code :/); fix some desync between code in between sections
- Fix tests
ThePuzzlemaker 4 years ago committed by Alexis Beingessner
parent a8584998ea
commit 9da6fbf6cd

@ -55,6 +55,13 @@
* [Handling Zero-Sized Types](
* [Final Code](
* [Implementing Arc and Mutex](
* [Arc](
* [Layout](
* [Base Code](
* [Cloning](
* [Dropping](
* [Deref](
* [Final Code](
* [FFI](
* [Beneath `std`](
* [#[panic_handler]](

@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ Knowing the theory is all fine and good, but the *best* way to understand
something is to use it. To better understand atomics and interior mutability,
we'll be implementing versions of the standard library's Arc and Mutex types.
TODO: Mutex

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
# Base Code
Now that we've decided the layout for our implementation of `Arc`, let's create
some basic code.
## Constructing the Arc
We'll first need a way to construct an `Arc<T>`.
This is pretty simple, as we just need to box the `ArcInner<T>` and get a
`NonNull<T>` pointer to it.
We start the reference counter at 1, as that first reference is the current
pointer. As the `Arc` is cloned or dropped, it is updated. It is okay to call
`unwrap()` on the `Option` returned by `NonNull` as `Box::into_raw` guarantees
that the pointer returned is not null.
impl<T> Arc<T> {
pub fn new(data: T) -> Arc<T> {
// We start the reference count at 1, as that first reference is the
// current pointer.
let boxed = Box::new(ArcInner {
rc: AtomicUsize::new(1),
Arc {
// It is okay to call `.unwrap()` here as we get a pointer from
// `Box::into_raw` which is guaranteed to not be null.
ptr: NonNull::new(Box::into_raw(boxed)).unwrap(),
_marker: PhantomData,
## Send and Sync
Since we're building a concurrency primitive, we'll need to be able to send it
across threads. Thus, we can implement the `Send` and `Sync` marker traits. For
more information on these, see [the section on `Send` and
This is okay because:
* You can only get a mutable reference to the value inside an `Arc` if and only
if it is the only `Arc` referencing that data
* We use atomic counters for reference counting
unsafe impl<T: Sync + Send> Send for Arc<T> {}
unsafe impl<T: Sync + Send> Sync for Arc<T> {}
We need to have the bound `T: Sync + Send` because if we did not provide those
bounds, it would be possible to share values that are thread-unsafe across a
thread boundary via an `Arc`, which could possibly cause data races or
## Getting the `ArcInner`
We'll now want to make a private helper function, `inner()`, which just returns
the dereferenced `NonNull` pointer.
To dereference the `NonNull<T>` pointer into a `&T`, we can call
`NonNull::as_ref`. This is unsafe, unlike the typical `as_ref` function, so we
must call it like this:
// inside the impl<T> Arc<T> block from before:
fn inner(&self) -> &ArcInner<T> {
unsafe { self.ptr.as_ref() }
This unsafety is okay because while this `Arc` is alive, we're guaranteed that
the inner pointer is valid.
Here's all the code from this section:
impl<T> Arc<T> {
pub fn new(data: T) -> Arc<T> {
// We start the reference count at 1, as that first reference is the
// current pointer.
let boxed = Box::new(ArcInner {
rc: AtomicUsize::new(1),
Arc {
// It is okay to call `.unwrap()` here as we get a pointer from
// `Box::into_raw` which is guaranteed to not be null.
ptr: NonNull::new(Box::into_raw(boxed)).unwrap(),
_marker: PhantomData,
fn inner(&self) -> &ArcInner<T> {
// This unsafety is okay because while this Arc is alive, we're
// guaranteed that the inner pointer is valid.
unsafe { self.ptr.as_ref() }
unsafe impl<T: Sync + Send> Send for Arc<T> {}
unsafe impl<T: Sync + Send> Sync for Arc<T> {}

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
# Cloning
Now that we've got some basic code set up, we'll need a way to clone the `Arc`.
Basically, we need to:
1. Get the `ArcInner` value of the `Arc`
2. Increment the atomic reference count
3. Construct a new instance of the `Arc` from the inner pointer
Next, we can update the atomic reference count as follows:
self.inner().rc.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
As described in [the standard library's implementation of `Arc` cloning][2]:
> Using a relaxed ordering is alright here, as knowledge of the original
> reference prevents other threads from erroneously deleting the object.
> As explained in the [Boost documentation][1]:
> > Increasing the reference counter can always be done with
> > memory_order_relaxed: New references to an object can only be formed from an
> > existing reference, and passing an existing reference from one thread to
> > another must already provide any required synchronization.
> [1]:
We'll need to add another import to use `Ordering`:
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
It is possible that in some contrived programs (e.g. using `mem::forget`) that
the reference count could overflow, but it's unreasonable that would happen in
any reasonable program.
Then, we need to return a new instance of the `Arc`:
Self {
ptr: self.ptr,
_marker: PhantomData
Now, let's wrap this all up inside the `Clone` implementation:
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
impl<T> Clone for Arc<T> {
fn clone(&self) -> Arc<T> {
// Using a relaxed ordering is alright here as knowledge of the original
// reference prevents other threads from wrongly deleting the object.
self.inner().rc.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
Self {
ptr: self.ptr,
_marker: PhantomData,

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# Deref
Alright. We now have a way to make, clone, and destroy `Arc`s, but how do we get
to the data inside?
What we need now is an implementation of `Deref`.
We'll need to import the trait:
use std::ops::Deref;
And here's the implementation:
impl<T> Deref for Arc<T> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &T {
Pretty simple, eh? This simply dereferences the `NonNull` pointer to the
`ArcInner<T>`, then gets a reference to the data inside.

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
# Dropping
We now need a way to decrease the reference count and drop the data once it is
low enough, otherwise the data will live forever on the heap.
To do this, we can implement `Drop`.
Basically, we need to:
1. Get the `ArcInner` value of the `Arc`
2. Decrement the reference count
3. If there is only one reference remaining to the data, then:
4. Atomically fence the data to prevent reordering of the use and deletion of
the data, then:
5. Drop the inner data
Now, we need to decrement the reference count. We can also bring in step 3 by
returning if the reference count is not equal to 1 (as `fetch_sub` returns the
previous value):
if self.inner().rc.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Release) != 1 {
We then need to create an atomic fence to prevent reordering of the use of the
data and deletion of the data. As described in [the standard library's
implementation of `Arc`][3]:
> This fence is needed to prevent reordering of use of the data and deletion of
> the data. Because it is marked `Release`, the decreasing of the reference
> count synchronizes with this `Acquire` fence. This means that use of the data
> happens before decreasing the reference count, which happens before this
> fence, which happens before the deletion of the data.
> As explained in the [Boost documentation][1],
> > It is important to enforce any possible access to the object in one
> > thread (through an existing reference) to *happen before* deleting
> > the object in a different thread. This is achieved by a "release"
> > operation after dropping a reference (any access to the object
> > through this reference must obviously happened before), and an
> > "acquire" operation before deleting the object.
> In particular, while the contents of an Arc are usually immutable, it's
> possible to have interior writes to something like a Mutex<T>. Since a Mutex
> is not acquired when it is deleted, we can't rely on its synchronization logic
> to make writes in thread A visible to a destructor running in thread B.
> Also note that the Acquire fence here could probably be replaced with an
> Acquire load, which could improve performance in highly-contended situations.
> See [2].
> [1]:
> [2]:
To do this, we do the following:
We'll need to import `std::sync::atomic` itself:
use std::sync::atomic;
Finally, we can drop the data itself. We use `Box::from_raw` to drop the boxed
`ArcInner<T>` and its data. This takes a `*mut T` and not a `NonNull<T>`, so we
must convert using `NonNull::as_ptr`.
unsafe { Box::from_raw(self.ptr.as_ptr()); }
This is safe as we know we have the last pointer to the `ArcInner` and that its
pointer is valid.
Now, let's wrap this all up inside the `Drop` implementation:
impl<T> Drop for Arc<T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if self.inner().rc.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Release) != 1 {
// This fence is needed to prevent reordering of the use and deletion
// of the data.
// This is safe as we know we have the last pointer to the `ArcInner`
// and that its pointer is valid.
unsafe { Box::from_raw(self.ptr.as_ptr()); }

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
# Final Code
Here's the final code, with some added comments and re-ordered imports:
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::ptr::NonNull;
use std::sync::atomic::{self, AtomicUsize, Ordering};
pub struct Arc<T> {
ptr: NonNull<ArcInner<T>>,
_marker: PhantomData<ArcInner<T>>,
pub struct ArcInner<T> {
rc: AtomicUsize,
data: T,
impl<T> Arc<T> {
pub fn new(data: T) -> Arc<T> {
// We start the reference count at 1, as that first reference is the
// current pointer.
let boxed = Box::new(ArcInner {
rc: AtomicUsize::new(1),
Arc {
// It is okay to call `.unwrap()` here as we get a pointer from
// `Box::into_raw` which is guaranteed to not be null.
ptr: NonNull::new(Box::into_raw(boxed)).unwrap(),
_marker: PhantomData,
fn inner(&self) -> &ArcInner<T> {
// This unsafety is okay because while this Arc is alive, we're
// guaranteed that the inner pointer is valid. Also, ArcInner<T> is
// Sync if T is Sync.
unsafe { self.ptr.as_ref() }
unsafe impl<T: Sync + Send> Send for Arc<T> {}
unsafe impl<T: Sync + Send> Sync for Arc<T> {}
impl<T> Clone for Arc<T> {
fn clone(&self) -> Arc<T> {
// Using a relaxed ordering is alright here as knowledge of the original
// reference prevents other threads from wrongly deleting the object.
self.inner().rc.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
Self {
ptr: self.ptr,
_marker: PhantomData,
impl<T> Drop for Arc<T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if self.inner().rc.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Release) != 1 {
// This fence is needed to prevent reordering of the use and deletion
// of the data.
// This is safe as we know we have the last pointer to the `ArcInner`
// and that its pointer is valid.
unsafe { Box::from_raw(self.ptr.as_ptr()); }
impl<T> Deref for Arc<T> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &T {

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
# Layout
Let's start by making the layout for our implementation of `Arc`.
We'll need at least two things: a pointer to our data and a shared atomic
reference count. Since we're *building* `Arc`, we can't store the reference
count inside another `Arc`. Instead, we can get the best of both worlds and
store our data and the reference count in one structure and get a pointer to
that. This also prevents having to dereference two separate pointers inside our
code, which may also improve performance. (Yay!)
Naively, it'd looks something like this:
use std::sync::atomic;
pub struct Arc<T> {
ptr: *mut ArcInner<T>,
pub struct ArcInner<T> {
rc: atomic::AtomicUsize,
data: T
This would compile, however it would be incorrect. First of all, the compiler
will give us too strict variance. For example, an `Arc<&'static str>` couldn't
be used where an `Arc<&'a str>` was expected. More importantly, it will give
incorrect ownership information to the drop checker, as it will assume we don't
own any values of type `T`. As this is a structure providing shared ownership of
a value, at some point there will be an instance of this structure that entirely
owns its data. See [the chapter on ownership and lifetimes]( for
all the details on variance and drop check.
To fix the first problem, we can use `NonNull<T>`. Note that `NonNull<T>` is a
wrapper around a raw pointer that declares that:
* We are variant over `T`
* Our pointer is never null
To fix the second problem, we can include a `PhantomData` marker containing an
`ArcInner<T>`. This will tell the drop checker that we have some notion of
ownership of a value of `ArcInner<T>` (which itself contains some `T`).
With these changes, our new structure will look like this:
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::ptr::NonNull;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize;
pub struct Arc<T> {
ptr: NonNull<ArcInner<T>>,
phantom: PhantomData<ArcInner<T>>
pub struct ArcInner<T> {
rc: AtomicUsize,
data: T

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Implementing Arc
In this section, we'll be implementing a simpler version of `std::sync::Arc`.
Similarly to [the implementation of `Vec` we made earlier](, we won't be
taking advantage of as many optimizations, intrinsics, or unstable code as the
standard library may.
This implementation is loosely based on the standard library's implementation
(technically taken from `alloc::sync` in 1.49, as that's where it's actually
implemented), but it will not support weak references at the moment as they
make the implementation slightly more complex.
Please note that this section is very work-in-progress at the moment.