Alexis Beingessner 9 years ago committed by Manish Goregaokar
parent 360247e826
commit f01f6a86a6

@ -1,7 +1,77 @@
% Type Conversions % Type Conversions
At the end of the day, everything is just a pile of bits somewhere, and type systems
are just there to help us use those bits right. Needing to reinterpret those piles
of bits as different types is a common problem and Rust consequently gives you
several ways to do that.
# Safe Rust # Safe Rust
First we'll look at the ways that *Safe Rust* gives you to reinterpret values. The
most trivial way to do this is to just destructure a value into its constituent
parts and then build a new type out of them. e.g.
struct Foo {
x: u32,
y: u16,
struct Bar {
a: u32,
b: u16,
fn reinterpret(foo: Foo) -> Bar {
let Foo { x, y } = foo;
Bar { a: x, b: y }
But this is, at best, annoying to do. For common conversions, rust provides
more ergonomic alternatives.
## Auto-Deref
Deref is a trait that allows you to overload the unary `*` to specify a type
you dereference to. This is largely only intended to be implemented by pointer
types like `&`, `Box`, and `Rc`. The dot operator will automatically perform
automatic dereferencing, so that foo.bar() will work uniformly on `Foo`, `&Foo`, `&&Foo`,
`&Rc<Box<&mut&Box<Foo>>>` and so-on. Search bottoms out on the *first* match,
so implementing methods on pointers is generally to be avoided, as it will shadow
"actual" methods.
## Coercions
Types can implicitly be coerced to change in certain contexts. These changes are generally
just *weakening* of types, largely focused around pointers. They mostly exist to make
Rust "just work" in more cases. For instance
`&mut T` coerces to `&T`, and `&T` coerces to `*const T`. The most useful coercion you will
actually think about it is probably the general *Deref Coercion*: `&T` coerces to `&U` when
`T: Deref<U>`. This enables us to pass an `&String` where an `&str` is expected, for instance.
## Casts
Casts are a superset of coercions: every coercion can be explicitly invoked via a cast,
but some changes require a cast. These "true casts" are generally regarded as dangerous or
problematic actions. The set of true casts is actually quite small, and once again revolves
largely around pointers. However it also introduces the primary mechanism to convert between
numeric types.
* rawptr -> rawptr (e.g. `*mut T as *const T` or `*mut T as *mut U`)
* rawptr <-> usize (e.g. `*mut T as usize` or `usize as *mut T`)
* primitive -> primitive (e.g. `u32 as u8` or `u8 as u32`)
* c-like enum -> integer/bool (e.g. `DaysOfWeek as u8`)
* `u8` -> `char`
## Conversion Traits
For full formal specification of all the kinds of coercions and coercion sites, see:
* Coercions * Coercions
* Casts * Casts
* Conversion Traits (Into/As/...) * Conversion Traits (Into/As/...)

@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
% Data Representation in Rust
Low-level programming cares a lot about data layout. It's a big deal. It also pervasively
influences the rest of the language, so we're going to start by digging into how data is
represented in Rust.
# The `rust` repr
Rust gives you the following ways to lay out composite data:
* structs (named product types)
* tuples (anonymous product types)
* arrays (homogeneous product types)
* enums (named sum types -- tagged unions)
For all these, individual fields are aligned to their preferred alignment.
For primitives this is equal to
their size. For instance, a u32 will be aligned to a multiple of 32 bits, and a u16 will
be aligned to a multiple of 16 bits. Composite structures will have their size rounded
up to be a multiple of the highest alignment required by their fields, and an alignment
requirement equal to the highest alignment required by their fields. So for instance,
struct A {
a: u8,
c: u64,
b: u32,
will have a size that is a multiple of 64-bits, and 64-bit alignment.
There is *no indirection* for these types; all data is stored contiguously as you would
expect in C. However with the exception of arrays, the layout of data is not by
default specified in Rust. Given the two following struct definitions:
struct A {
a: i32,
b: u64,
struct B {
x: i32,
b: u64,
Rust *does* guarantee that two instances of A have their data laid out in exactly
the same way. However Rust *does not* guarantee that an instance of A has the same
field ordering or padding as an instance of B (in practice there's no *particular*
reason why they wouldn't, other than that its not currently guaranteed).
With A and B as written, this is basically nonsensical, but several other features
of Rust make it desirable for the language to play with data layout in complex ways.
For instance, consider this struct:
struct Foo<T, U> {
count: u16,
data1: T,
data2: U,
Now consider the monomorphizations of `Foo<u32, u16>` and `Foo<u16, u32>`. If Rust lays out the
fields in the order specified, we expect it to *pad* the values in the struct to satisfy
their *alignment* requirements. So if Rust didn't reorder fields, we would expect Rust to
produce the following:
struct Foo<u16, u32> {
count: u16,
data1: u16,
data2: u32,
struct Foo<u32, u16> {
count: u16,
_pad1: u16,
data1: u32,
data2: u16,
_pad2: u16,
The former case quite simply wastes space. An optimal use of space therefore requires
different monomorphizations to *have different field orderings*.
**Note: this is a hypothetical optimization that is not yet implemented in Rust 1.0.0**
Enums make this consideration even more complicated. Naively, an enum such as:
enum Foo {
would be laid out as:
struct FooRepr {
data: u64, // this is *really* either a u64, u32, or u8 based on `tag`
tag: u8, // 0 = A, 1 = B, 2 = C
And indeed this is approximately how it would be laid out in general
(modulo the size and position of `tag`). However there are several cases where
such a representation is ineffiecient. The classic case of this is Rust's
"null pointer optimization". Given a pointer that is known to not be null
(e.g. `&u32`), an enum can *store* a discriminant bit *inside* the pointer
by using null as a special value. The net result is that
`sizeof(Option<&T>) == sizeof<&T>`
There are many types in Rust that are, or contain, "not null" pointers such as `Box<T>`, `Vec<T>`,
`String`, `&T`, and `&mut T`. Similarly, one can imagine nested enums pooling their tags into
a single descriminant, as they are by definition known to have a limited range of valid values.
In principle enums can use fairly elaborate algorithms to cache bits throughout nested types
with special constrained representations. As such it is *especially* desirable that we leave
enum layout unspecified today.
# Dynamically Sized Types (DSTs)
Rust also supports types without a statically known size. On the surface,
this is a bit nonsensical: Rust must know the size of something in order to
work with it. DSTs are generally produced as views, or through type-erasure
of types that *do* have a known size. Due to their lack of a statically known
size, these types can only exist *behind* some kind of pointer. They consequently
produce a *fat* pointer consisting of the pointer and the information that
*completes* them.
For instance, the slice type, `[T]`, is some statically unknown number of elements
stored contiguously. `&[T]` consequently consists of a `(&T, usize)` pair that specifies
where the slice starts, and how many elements it contains. Similarly Trait Objects
support interface-oriented type erasure through a `(data_ptr, vtable_ptr)` pair.
Structs can actually store a single DST directly as their last field, but this
makes them a DST as well:
// Can't be stored on the stack directly
struct Foo {
info: u32,
data: [u8],
# Zero Sized Types (ZSTs)
Rust actually allows types to be specified that occupy *no* space:
struct Foo; // No fields = no size
enum Bar; // No variants = no size
// All fields have no size = no size
struct Baz {
foo: Foo,
bar: Bar,
qux: (), // empty tuple has no size
On their own, ZSTs are, for obvious reasons, pretty useless. However
as with many curious layout choices in Rust, their potential is realized in a generic
Rust largely understands that any operation that produces or stores a ZST
can be reduced to a no-op. For instance, a `HashSet<T>` can be effeciently implemented
as a thin wrapper around `HashMap<T, ()>` because all the operations `HashMap` normally
does to store and retrieve keys will be completely stripped in monomorphization.
Similarly `Result<(), ()>` and `Option<()>` are effectively just fancy `bool`s.
Safe code need not worry about ZSTs, but *unsafe* code must be careful about the
consequence of types with no size. In particular, pointer offsets are no-ops, and
standard allocators (including jemalloc, the one used by Rust) generally consider
passing in `0` as Undefined Behaviour.
# Drop Flags
For unfortunate legacy implementation reasons, Rust as of 1.0.0 will do a nasty trick to
any type that implements the `Drop` trait (has a destructor): it will insert a secret field
in the type. That is,
struct Foo {
a: u32,
b: u32,
impl Drop for Foo {
fn drop(&mut self) { }
will cause Foo to secretly become:
struct Foo {
a: u32,
b: u32,
_drop_flag: u8,
For details as to *why* this is done, and how to make it not happen, check out
# Alternative representations
Rust allows you to specify alternative data layout strategies from the default Rust
# repr(C)
This is the most important `repr`. It has fairly simple intent: do what C does.
The order, size, and alignment of fields is exactly what you would expect from
C or C++. Any type you expect to pass through an FFI boundary should have `repr(C)`,
as C is the lingua-franca of the programming world. However this is also necessary
to soundly do more elaborate tricks with data layout such as reintepretting values
as a different type.
However, the interaction with Rust's more exotic data layout features must be kept
in mind. Due to its dual purpose as a "for FFI" and "for layout control", repr(C)
can be applied to types that will be nonsensical or problematic if passed through
the FFI boundary.
* ZSTs are still zero-sized, even though this is not a standard behaviour
in C, and is explicitly contrary to the behaviour of an empty type in C++, which
still consumes a byte of space.
* DSTs are not a concept in C
* **The drop flag will still be added**
* This is equivalent to repr(u32) for enums (see below)
# repr(packed)
`repr(packed)` forces rust to strip any padding it would normally apply.
This may improve the memory footprint of a type, but will have negative
side-effects from "field access is heavily penalized" to "completely breaks
everything" based on target platform.
# repr(u8), repr(u16), repr(u32), repr(u64)
These specify the size to make a c-like enum (one which has no values in its variants).