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# Summary
* [Meet Safe and Unsafe](
* [What Do Safe and Unsafe Mean](
* [Working with Unsafe](
* [Data Layout](
* [repr(Rust)](
* [Exotically Sized Types](
* [Other reprs](
* [Ownership](
* [References](
* [Lifetimes](
* [Limits of lifetimes](
* [Lifetime Elision](
* [Unbounded Lifetimes](
* [Higher-Rank Trait Bounds](
* [Subtyping and Variance](
* [Misc](
* [Type Conversions](
* [Coercions](
* [The Dot Operator](
* [Casts](
* [Transmutes](
* [Uninitialized Memory](
* [Checked](
* [Drop Flags](
* [Unchecked](
* [Ownership-Oriented Resource Management](
* [Constructors](
* [Destructors](
* [Leaking](
* [Unwinding](
* [Concurrency](
* [Races](
* [Send and Sync](
* [Atomics](
* [Example: Implementing Vec](
* [Layout](
* [Allocating](
* [Push and Pop](
* [Deallocating](
* [Deref](
* [Insert and Remove](
* [IntoIter](
* [Drain](
* [Final Code](