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Subtyping and Variance

Rust uses lifetimes to track the relationships between borrows and ownership. However, a naive implementation of lifetimes would be either too restrictive, or permit undefined behavior.

In order to allow flexible usage of lifetimes while also preventing their misuse, Rust uses a combination of Subtyping and Variance.


Subtyping is the idea that one type can be a subtype of another.

Let's define that Sub is a subtype of Super (we'll be using the notation Sub: Super throughout this chapter)

What this is suggesting to us is that the set of requirements that Super defines are completely satisfied by Sub. Sub may then have more requirements.

An example of simple subtyping that exists in the language are supertraits

use std::fmt;

trait OutlinePrint: fmt::Display {
    fn outline_print(&self) {

Here, we have that OutlinePrint: fmt::Display (OutlinePrint is a subtype of Display), because it has all the requirements of fmt::Display, plus the outline_print function.

However, subtyping in traits is not that interesting in the case of Rust. Here in the nomicon, we're going to focus more with how subtyping interacts with lifetimes

Take this example

fn debug<T: std::fmt::Debug>(a: T, b: T) {
    println!("a = {:?} b = {:?}", a, b);

fn main() {
    let hello: &'static str = "hello";
        let world = String::from("world");
        let world = &world; // 'b has a shorter lifetime than 'static
        debug(hello, world);

In an overly restrictive implementation of lifetimes, since a and b have differeing lifetimes, we might see the following error:

error[E0308]: mismatched types
 --> src/
10 |         debug(hello, world);
   |                      ^
   |                      |
   |                      expected `&'static str`, found struct `&'b str`

This is over-restrictive. In this case, what we want is to accept any type that lives at least as long as 'b. Let's try using subtyping with our lifetimes.

Let's define a lifetime to have the a simple set of requirements: 'a defines a region of code in which a value will be alive. Now that we have a defined set of requirements for lifetimes, we can define how they relate to each other. 'a: 'b if and only if 'a defines a region of code that completely contains 'b.

'a may define a region larger than 'b, but that still fits our definition. Going back to our example above, we can say that 'static: 'b.

For now, let's accept the idea that subtypes of lifetimes can be transitive (more on this in Variance), eg. &'static str is a subtype of &'b str, then we can let them coerce, and then the example above will compile

fn debug<T: std::fmt::Debug>(a: T, b: T) {
    println!("a = {:?} b = {:?}", a, b);

fn main() {
    let hello: &'static str = "hello";
        let world = String::from("world");
        let world = &world; // 'b has a shorter lifetime than 'static
        debug(hello, world); // a silently converts from `&'static str` into `&'b str`


Above, we glossed over the fact that 'static: 'b implied that &'static T: &'b T. This uses a property known as variance. It's not always as simple as this example though, to understand that let's try extend this example a bit

fn assign<T>(input: &mut T, val: T) {
    *input = val;

fn main() {
    let mut hello: &'static str = "hello";
        let world = String::from("world");
        assign(&mut hello, &world);

If this were to compile, this would have a memory bug.

If we were to expand this out, we'd see that we're trying to assign a &'b str into a &'static str, but the problem is that as soon as b goes out of scope, a is now invalid, even though it's supposed to have a 'static lifetime.

However, the implementation of assign is valid. Therefore, this must mean that &mut &'static str should not a subtype of &mut &'b str, even if 'static is a subtype of 'b.

Variance is the way that Rust defines the transitivity of subtypes through their type constructor. A type constructor in Rust is any generic type with unbound arguments. For instance Vec is a type constructor that takes a type T and returns Vec<T>. & and &mut are type constructors that take two inputs: a lifetime, and a type to point to.

NOTE: For convenience we will often refer to F<T> as a type constructor just so that we can easily talk about T. Hopefully this is clear in context.

A type constructor F's variance is how the subtyping of its inputs affects the subtyping of its outputs. There are three kinds of variance in Rust. Given two types Sub and Super, where Sub is a subtype of Super:

  • F is covariant if F<Sub> is a subtype of F<Super> (the subtype property is passed through)
  • F is contravariant if F<Super> is a subtype of F<Sub> (the subtype property is "inverted")
  • F is invariant otherwise (no subtyping relationship exists)

If we remember from the above examples, it was ok for us to treat &'a T as a subtype of &'b T if 'a: 'b, therefore we can say that &'a T is covariant over 'a.

Also, we saw that it was not ok for us to treat &mut &'a T as a subtype of &mut &'b T, therefore we can say that &mut T is invariant over T

Here is a table of some other type constructors and their variances:

'a T U
&'a T covariant covariant
&'a mut T covariant invariant
Box<T> covariant
Vec<T> covariant
UnsafeCell<T> invariant
Cell<T> invariant
fn(T) -> U contravariant covariant
*const T covariant
*mut T invariant

Some of these can be explained simply in relation to the others:

  • Vec<T> and all other owning pointers and collections follow the same logic as Box<T>
  • Cell<T> and all other interior mutability types follow the same logic as UnsafeCell<T>
  • UnsafeCell<T> having interior mutability gives it the same variance properties as &mut T
  • *const T follows the logic of &T
  • *mut T follows the logic of &mut T (or UnsafeCell<T>)

For more types, see the "Variance" section on the reference.

NOTE: the only source of contravariance in the language is the arguments to a function, which is why it really doesn't come up much in practice. Invoking contravariance involves higher-order programming with function pointers that take references with specific lifetimes (as opposed to the usual "any lifetime", which gets into higher rank lifetimes, which work independently of subtyping).

Now that we have some more formal understanding of variance, let's go through some more examples in more detail.

fn assign<T>(input: &mut T, val: T) {
    *input = val;

fn main() {
    let mut hello: &'static str = "hello";
        let world = String::from("world");
        assign(&mut hello, &world);

And what do we get when we run this?

error[E0597]: `world` does not live long enough
  --> src/
6  |     let mut hello: &'static str = "hello";
   |                    ------------ type annotation requires that `world` is borrowed for `'static`
9  |         assign(&mut hello, &world);
   |                            ^^^^^^ borrowed value does not live long enough
10 |     }
   |     - `world` dropped here while still borrowed

Good, it doesn't compile! Let's break down what's happening here in detail.

First let's look at the assign function:

fn assign<T>(input: &mut T, val: T) {
    *input = val;

All it does is take a mutable reference and a value and overwrite the referent with it. What's important about this function is that it creates a type equality constraint. It clearly says in its signature the referent and the value must be the exact same type.

Meanwhile, in the caller we pass in &mut &'static str and &'spike_str str.

Because &mut T is invariant over T, the compiler concludes it can't apply any subtyping to the first argument, and so T must be exactly &'static str.

This is counter to the &T case

fn debug<T: std::fmt::Debug>(a: T, b: T) {
    println!("a = {:?} b = {:?}", a, b);

Where similarly a and b must have the same type T. But since &'a T is covariant over 'a, we are allowed to perform subtyping. So the compiler decides that &'static str can become &'b str if and only if &'static str is a subtype of &'b str, which will hold if 'static: 'b. This is true, so the compiler is happy to continue compiling this code.

Box<T> is also covariant over T. This would make sense, since it's supposed to be usable the same as &T. If you try to mutate the box, you'll need a &mut Box<T> and the invariance of &mut will kick in here.

Only one thing left to explain: function pointers.

To see why fn(T) -> U should be covariant over U, consider the following signature:

fn get_str() -> &'a str;

This function claims to produce a str bound by some liftime 'a. As such, it is perfectly valid to provide a function with the following signature instead:

fn get_static() -> &'static str;

So when the function is called, all it's expecting is a &str which lives at least the lifetime of 'a, it doesn't matter if the value actually lives longer.

However, the same logic does not apply to arguments. Consider trying to satisfy:

fn store_ref(&'a str);


fn store_static(&'static str);

The first function can accept any string reference as long as it lives at least for 'a, but the second cannot accept a string reference that lives for any duration less than 'static, which would cause a conflict. Covariance doesn't work here. But if we flip it around, it actually does work! If we need a function that can handle &'static str, a function that can handle any reference lifetime will surely work fine.

And that's why function types, unlike anything else in the language, are contravariant over their arguments.

Now, this is all well and good for the types the standard library provides, but how is variance determined for types that you define? A struct, informally speaking, inherits the variance of its fields. If a struct MyType has a generic argument A that is used in a field a, then MyType's variance over A is exactly a's variance over A.

However if A is used in multiple fields:

  • If all uses of A are covariant, then MyType is covariant over A
  • If all uses of A are contravariant, then MyType is contravariant over A
  • Otherwise, MyType is invariant over A
use std::cell::Cell;

struct MyType<'a, 'b, A: 'a, B: 'b, C, D, E, F, G, H, In, Out, Mixed> {
    a: &'a A,     // covariant over 'a and A
    b: &'b mut B, // covariant over 'b and invariant over B

    c: *const C,  // covariant over C
    d: *mut D,    // invariant over D

    e: E,         // covariant over E
    f: Vec<F>,    // covariant over F
    g: Cell<G>,   // invariant over G

    h1: H,        // would also be covariant over H except...
    h2: Cell<H>,  // invariant over H, because invariance wins all conflicts

    i: fn(In) -> Out,       // contravariant over In, covariant over Out

    k1: fn(Mixed) -> usize, // would be contravariant over Mixed except..
    k2: Mixed,              // invariant over Mixed, because invariance wins all conflicts