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# Rust语言圣经
## Getting started
- [寻找牛刀,以便小试](first-try/
- [安装Rust环境](first-try/
- [墙推VSCode!](first-try/
- [认识Cargo](first-try/
- [不仅仅是Hello world](first-try/
## Rust学习三部曲
- [Rust基础入门](basic/
- [变量绑定与解构](basic/
- [基本类型](basic/base-type/
- [数值类型](basic/base-type/
- [字符、布尔、单元类型](basic/base-type/
- [语句与表达式](basic/base-type/
- [函数](basic/base-type/
- [所有权和借用](basic/ownership/
- [所有权](basic/ownership/
- [引用与借用](basic/ownership/
- [复合类型](basic/compound-type/
- [字符串与切片](basic/compound-type/
- [元组](basic/compound-type/
- [结构体](basic/compound-type/
- [枚举](basic/compound-type/
- [数组](basic/compound-type/
- [流程控制](basic/
- [模式匹配](basic/match-pattern/
- [match和if let](basic/match-pattern/
- [解构Option](basic/match-pattern/
- [模式适用场景](basic/match-pattern/
- [全模式列表](basic/match-pattern/
- [方法Method](basic/
- [泛型和特征](basic/trait/
- [泛型Generics](basic/trait/
- [特征Trait](basic/trait/
- [特征对象](basic/trait/
- [进一步深入特征](basic/trait/
- [集合类型](basic/collections/
- [动态数组Vector](basic/collections/
- [KV存储HashMap](basic/collections/
- [类型转换](basic/
- [返回值和错误](basic/result-error/
- [panic深入剖析!](basic/result-error/
- [返回值Result和?](basic/result-error/
- [Rust高级进阶](advance/
- [生命周期](advance/lifetime/
- [认识生命周期](advance/lifetime/
- [深入生命周期](advance/lifetime/
<!-- - [一些关于生命周期的误解 todo](advance/lifetime/ -->
- [函数式编程](advance/functional-programing/
- [闭包closure](advance/functional-programing/
- [迭代器iterator](advance/functional-programing/
- [包和模块](advance/crate-module/
- [包crate](advance/crate-module/
- [模块Module](advance/crate-module/
- [使用use引入模块及受限可见性](advance/crate-module/
- [注释和文档](advance/
- [深入类型之newtype和Sized](advance/
- [格式化输出](advance/
- [智能指针](advance/smart-pointer/
- [Box<T>堆对象分配](advance/smart-pointer/
- [Deref解引用](advance/smart-pointer/
- [Drop释放资源](advance/smart-pointer/
- [Rc与Arc实现1vN所有权机制](advance/smart-pointer/
- [Cell与RefCell内部可变性](advance/smart-pointer/
- [循环引用与自引用](advance/circle-self-ref/
- [Weak与循环引用](advance/circle-self-ref/
- [结构体中的自引用](advance/circle-self-ref/
- [多线程并发编程](advance/concurrency-with-threads/
- [并发和并行](advance/concurrency-with-threads/
- [使用多线程](advance/concurrency-with-threads/
- [线程同步:消息传递](advance/concurrency-with-threads/
- [线程同步锁、Condvar和信号量](advance/concurrency-with-threads/
- [线程同步Atomic原子操作与内存顺序](advance/concurrency-with-threads/
- [基于Send和Sync的线程安全](advance/concurrency-with-threads/
- [实践应用多线程Web服务器 todo](advance/concurrency-with-threads/
- [全局变量](advance/
- [错误处理 todo](advance/errors/
- [简化错误处理 todo](advance/errors/
- [自定义错误 todo](advance/errors/
- [让错误输出更优雅 todo](advance/errors/
- [会导致panic的代码 todo](advance/errors/
<!-- - [高阶特征约束(HRTB) todo](advance/ -->
## 专题内容,每个专题都配套一个小型项目进行实践
- [async/await异步编程](async/
- [async编程入门](async/
- [底层探秘: Future执行与任务调度](async/
- [定海神针Pin和Unpin](async/
- [async/await和Stream流处理](async/
- [同时运行多个Future](async/
- [一些疑难问题的解决办法](async/
- [实践应用Async Web服务器](async/
- [tokio使用指南 doing](tokio/
- [tokio概览](tokio/
- [使用初印象](tokio/
- [创建异步任务](tokio/
- [共享状态](tokio/
- [消息传递](tokio/
- [I/O](tokio/
- [解析数据帧](tokio/
- [深入async](tokio/
- [多任务控制select](tokio/
<!-- - [异步消息流](tokio/ -->
- [Unsafe Rust todo](unsafe/
- [原生指针 todo](unsafe/
- [FFI外部语言用 todo](unsafe/
- [对抗编译检查 doing](fight-with-compiler/
- [幽灵数据(todo)](fight-with-compiler/
- [生命周期](fight-with-compiler/lifetime/
- [生命周期过大-01](fight-with-compiler/lifetime/
- [生命周期过大-02](fight-with-compiler/lifetime/
- [循环中的生命周期](fight-with-compiler/lifetime/
- [闭包碰到特征对象-01](fight-with-compiler/lifetime/
- [重复借用](fight-with-compiler/borrowing/
- [同时在函数内外使用引用](fight-with-compiler/borrowing/
- [智能指针引起的重复借用错误](fight-with-compiler/borrowing/
- [类型未限制(todo)](fight-with-compiler/
- [Rust陷阱系列](pitfalls/
- [for循环中使用外部数组](pitfalls/
- [线程类型导致的栈溢出](pitfalls/
- [算术溢出导致的panic](pitfalls/
- [闭包中奇怪的生命周期](pitfalls/
- [可变变量不可变?](pitfalls/
- [可变借用失败引发的深入思考](pitfalls/
- [不太勤快的迭代器](pitfalls/
- [奇怪的序列x..y](pitfalls/
- [无处不在的迭代器](pitfalls/
- [线程间传递消息导致主线程无法结束](pitfalls/
- [Rust最佳实践 doing](practice/
- [日常开发三方库精选](practice/
- [一些写代码的技巧 todo](practice/
- [最佳实践 todo](practice/
- [值得学习的源代码 todo](practice/
- [代码规范 doing](practice/style-guide/
- [命名规范](practice/style-guide/
- [代码风格(todo)](practice/style-guide/
- [代码标记 todo](practice/style-guide/
- [Clippy todo](practice/style-guide/
- [如何实现一个链表 todo]()
- [高级类型转换](converse/
- [枚举和整数](converse/
<!-- - [复杂错误索引 todo](errorindex/
- [所有权和借用 todo](errorindex/borrowing/
- [生命周期 todo](errorindex/lifetime/ -->
- [Cargo详解 todo](cargo/
- [常用命令 todo](cargo/
- [项目结构 todo](cargo/
- [Cargo.toml和Cargo.lock todo](cargo/
- [依赖管理 todo](cargo/
- [构建缓存 todo](cargo/
- [版本管理 todo](cargo/
- [工作空间 todo](cargo/
- [条件编译、条件依赖 todo](cargo/
- [配置参数 todo](cargo/
- [自定义构建脚本 todo](cargo/
- [Cargo profile todo](cargo/
- [测试 todo](test/
- [单元测试 todo](test/
- [集成测试 todo](test/
- [性能测试 todo](test/
- [持续集成 todo](test/
- [常见特征解析 todo](traits/
- [类型转换From/Into todo](traits/
- [AsRef, AsMut todo](traits/
- [Borrow, BorrowMut, ToOwned todo](traits/
- [Deref和引用隐式转换 todo](traits/
- [写时拷贝Cow todo](traits/
- [Eq todo](traits/
- [深入内存 todo](memory/
- [指针和引用 todo](memory/
- [未初始化内存 todo](memory/
- [内存分配 todo](memory/
- [内存布局 todo](memory/
- [虚拟内存 todo](memory/
- [Web应用开发 todo](web/
- [编解码与序列化 todo](web/
- [面向对象 todo](object-oriented/
- [为何OO todo](object-oriented/
- [设计模式 todo](object-oriented/
- [宏编程 todo](macro/
- [过程宏(todo)](macro/
- [性能调优 doing](performance/
- [深入理解move](performance/
- [糟糕的提前优化 todo](performance/
- [Clone和Copy todo](performance/
- [Benchmark性能测试(todo)](performance/
- [减少Runtime check(todo)](performance/
- [CPU缓存性能优化 todo](performance/
- [计算性能优化 todo](performance/
- [堆和栈 todo](performance/
- [内存allocator todo](performance/
- [常用性能测试工具 todo](performance/
- [Enum内存优化 todo](performance/
- [编译器 todo](compiler/
- [常见属性标记 todo](compiler/
- [提升编译速度 todo](compiler/
- [编译器优化 todo](compiler/optimization/
- [Option枚举 todo](compiler/optimization/
- [日志和监控 todo](monitor/
- [日志 todo](monitor/
- [可观测性 todo](monitor/
- [监控(APM) todo](monitor/
- [标准库解析 todo](std/
- [标准库使用最佳时间 todo](std/
- [Vector常用方法 todo](std/
- [HashMap todo](std/
- [Iterator常用方法 todo](std/
- [Rust区块链入门]()
- [Rust游戏开发入门]()
- [Rust前端开发入门]()
- [Rust和WASM]()
## 附录
- [附录](appendix/
- [A-关键字](appendix/
- [B-运算符与符号](appendix/
- [C-表达式](appendix/
- [D-派生特征derive](appendix/
- [E-prelude模块 todo](appendix/
- [F-难点索引](appendix/
- [G-Rust版本说明](appendix/
- [H-Rust更新版本列表](appendix/rust-versions/
- [1.58](appendix/rust-versions/